Revive is a move of God among the churches of the borough of Rugby which has been demonstrated in growing trust & developing relationships between church leaders; renewed vision for the church's mission in the area; the emergence of new projects; and the commitment of churches to work together for the cause of the kingdom.
"Knowing Christ and making Him known"

Encourage each Christian to develop the heart and mind of a disciple

Encourage the community of God’s people in the Rugby area to work together to fulfil the Great Commission

Encourage each church to reach out appropriately and effectively to the wider community, reflecting their own character
Many town-wide ministries and events in Rugby are networked with Revive, typically organised under the umbrella of a lead church. Click here to see the Revive affiliated ministries.
Anglicans, Assemblies of God, Baptists, Catholics, Elim, Independent Evangelical churches, Methodists, NTCG, Pentecostals, Salvation Army, URC: most churches and denominations in the borough of Rugby are networked with Revive. Click here to see the Revive affiliated churches.