Rugby Street Pastors Commission Another Seven Street Pastors

From left to right, the newly commissioned Street Pastors are: Leonardo Santiago, George Thurkettle, Alina Augustyniak, Ciprian-Beniamin Pop, Cristina Bardon Soriano, Jane Clarke & Peter Banks
Despite the many COVID-19 lock-downs and restrictions over the past 17 months, Rugby Street Pastors have managed to finally complete the training of their latest cohort of 7 recruits and commission them at a commissioning service, held at Rugby Elim Church on Sunday 23 rd May. The commissioning service was conducted by Pastor Jonathan Skelton, the Chair of their Management Committee.
With the reopening of the night time economy, these newly trained Street Pastors, will now be able to join their respective teams to patrol Rugby Town Centre once a month, on either a Friday or Saturday night, from 10.00pm – 4.00am. This brings the total number of volunteer Street Pastors to 45, patrolling in teams of 4 or 5.
Dawn Thurkettle – Rugby Street Pastors Coordinator said she is thankful for the positive relationship the churches have across Rugby working together to serve our community. The new Street Pastors have shown such commitment, grace and patience as we navigated the Covid
restrictions to complete the necessary training modules so that they are safe and effective on the street. Welcome to the team!
For Further Information regarding Rugby Street Pastors contact:
Dawn Thurkettle
Tel: 07738 625547